8 · By following LEOPARD REBIRTH installation - you will find 'Mac Sierra' os theme (above) - but only if you follow the 'Sierra theme' as an option. There are others to try - but not tested by me. This was originally designed to update Leopard 10.5 os (PPC) BUt I discovered this also works on MacMini Duo Intel, if you follow the same procedures (mainly using TERMINAL Scripts! You do need to be familiar with using Apple Mac Terminal to hack (its also very easy, and experimental). Not for the faint hearted (or desperate). If you fail you have to rely on your last backUp (so re-use that firewire drive each stage of this hack). Its more tedious but it does mean its still macMini bootable and able to be backed up on the firewire drive. I used the Firewire drive also to 'optimise' the system as the CD/DVD drive is unreliable to boot from. So the Firewire drive is also essential for that back up!